Welcome to the Solid Circle

Helping Black businesses integrate technology into their business models to increase profit margins…

Powering our own custom designer nodes. 
From startups to enterprises.

Block Producer: circlesolid2

Contact Information

    Website: solidcircle.tech/solid-circle

    Email: Admin@solidcircle.tech

About Our Team

We are an Black owned tech company based in Georgia. Our team consists of 7 dedicated members, with expertise in various technological fields. We are proud of our diversity and the unique perspectives it brings to our work. Tragically, we lost one of our key members, but their contributions continue to inspire and drive our efforts.

Our team has extensive experience and skills in:

    Artificial Intelligence

    Blockchain Technology

    Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

    Building Node Infrastructure

    General Technology Solutions

Node Infrastructure

Our node infrastructure is designed for reliability and security. We utilize state-of-the-art hardware and software solutions to ensure maximum uptime and efficiency. Our setup includes multiple redundancies to safeguard against failures and to provide seamless operations.

Our Commitment to the Network

As a block producer, we are committed to maintaining the integrity and security of the network. We believe in the power of blockchain technology to create a more transparent and equitable world. Our team is dedicated to contributing to the network’s growth and success, and we actively participate in the community to foster innovation and collaboration.

We look forward to serving the network and are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this transformative technology.

High-Powered custom, designer nodes to validate the Blockchain.

Own a piece of the digital culture


Find inspiration
from the digital c culture

High-quality digital art to exhibit the many expressions of the Culture. This is an opportunity to own a piece of the timeline as we as we transition into the digital culture.

Curated Inspiration

World-class inspiration, from some of the best creatives around the globe.

Similar Search

Easily find similar images with our Similar Search feature.

Source Tracking

Easily trace back to its source with our Source Tracking feature.

Fast Search

Find your creative assets in seconds. No more wasting time searching for files.

Multimedia Content

Get inspired with a diverse range of content types – images, GIFs, and videos.

AI-Powered Recommendations

Personalized content recommendations based on your preferences.

Coming soon


Future History
with Chapters


Make transactions instantly

AI Copilot

Create together with AI. Generate concepts, ideas and creative writing.

Seamless integration

Import your visuals from Kive, speeding up your process.

Interactive presentations

Present your ideas with video, GIFs and immersive interactivity.

Auto Layout

Layout your page in seconds and flip between beautiful templates.


Easily collaborate with your team on presentations.

Share with a link

Share your story with a link. Yes, that means you can edit after sending.

Supercharge your creative workflow with AI

All the AI tools you need to fast-forward your workflow.

AI Upscale
Better image resolution is just a click away.

Extract Frames
Pull stills and GIFs from any video.

AI Suggestions
Get instant recommendations from AI for similar ideas to att to your boards.

AI Image Generation
Easily generate images with AI and save directly to your library.

Generate Social Assets
Create assets for social media.

Upgrade your creativity